103: How to nomadic travel with kids, live on purpose, & pave your own path as a family. With Robyn Robledo of Nomads with a Purpose

103: How to nomadic travel with kids, live on purpose, & pave your own path as a family. With Robyn Robledo
Robyn Robledo Soul Mammas Podcast ep 103

Episode Description

Travel. Something that made up such a large component of my life pre-baby, is also something that can easily go by the wayside once we have little ones. Looking back on my life I feel that the most transformative moments were from traveling to different countries in the world, experiencing different cultures, and seeing first hand how the rest of the world lives. I know most of us have been trapped in our homes during these unprecedented times, so hearing about families who have created a life around nomadic travel, is something inspiring to hear about at the moment. 

Today’s guest, Robyn Robledo of “Nomads with a Purpose”, is a creative, mindful and courageous mama of five who chose to set off on nomadic adventures with her family of seven. At first it started off as a temporary thing, and eventually ended up being his they orchestrated their life. 

Today she is going to talk about how she is raising mindful kids through adventure travel. How travel for her family is about embracing challenge with our bodies while also using every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. She is also going to reflect on how her and her kids learn to adapt, practice gratitude, and be fully present in their daily adventures.

As a soul mamma, Robyn wants to help her children thrive. She dedicates a lot of time getting to know their passions, their worries, their goals, and then helping them apply this knowledge and help them acquire the tools needed to help them live out their own purpose one day. Robyn reflects on how they share a lot of common goals and the ones that make us each unique. You can see in her writing and images on her blog “https://www.nomadswithapurpose.com/healthy-habits-with-your-kids/ “ how her and her family really go out of our way to help each other achieve their goals. 

Soul Mammas Podcast episode 103 Nomads with Purpose


  • How she is raising mindful kids through adventure travel.

  • How travel for her family is about embracing challenge with our bodies while also using every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • How her and her kids learn to adapt, practice gratitude, and be fully present in their daily adventures.

  • Holding a space to help our children thrive

  • Realizing your children's greatest passions

  • How to give kids tools to live out their purpose

  • How to homeschool a variety of ages on the road

  • Creating mindful practices with your family to bond

  • Naysayers and why not everyone has been supportive of their nomadic lifestyle

  • Inner knowing and practices to help with self care

  • How the pandemic has affected their nomadic travel and how different states look very different right now.

Connect with Robyn (Nomads with a Purpose)



Nomads with Purpose on the Soul Mammas Podcast