114: "How to find the magic within & live the life of your dreams, even as busy mamas with mama of two Meghan Schoneberger"


Episode Description

Hey mamas so today’s mama is someone who I can completely relate to when it comes to trusting ourselves as mamas enough to create magic. This mama  is a talented singer/songwriter, reiki master and friend who left her conventional job to pursue her real passions and help others. I admire her courage to leave something that wasn’t serving her and pursing the road less travelled. 

Her name his Meghan Schonburger and she is a mama to two spunky blue eyed girls and someone who has gone through the experience of questioning and often rejecting her own authenticity. How many of us mamas can relate to doubting our inner fire, talents and passions, especially after becoming mamas? 

After two INCREDIBLE reiki sessions with Meghan (and I am someone who had never previously done Reiki at all), I am convinced our gifts travel through us from a power larger than ourselves and if we stifle them, we cant extend them to the rest of the world. Her gifts are her extreme sensitivity, spiritual awareness and creativity, and she is going to talk about how we can ALL tap into those today. 

Today she is going to share about mom-guilt, facing the shadow side of ourselves, feeling like we are spread to thin, and letting go of preconceived notions of what a mother “should be”. Meghan is refreshingly honest, funny and empathetic to those of us wanting to examine the hidden talents within, but don’t know how to honor them

Meghan Schoneberger 114 Soul Mammas Podcast



  • Facing the shadow side of ourselves

  • Feeling like we are spread to thin and changing that

  • How to let go of preconceived notions of what a mother “should be”

  • How to examine the hidden talents within, but don’t know how to honor them.

  • What Reiki really is

  • How she started experiencing spiritual guides

  • How her life is now more the life of her dreams than it has ever been before

  • Why we can pivot and change our lives at any moment

  • How courage to leap leads to great rewards

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Meghan Schoneberger episode 114 Soul Mammas Podcast