Episode 74: A postpartum anxiety story many mamas share, with Doctor and twin mom Carly Crewe


Episode Description


Whenever I so much as see the word I just feel like its an old acquaintance I’ve carried with me throughout my life. As I have shared in the past, my anxiety grew acute early on postpartum. Profound worry consumed most of the first year of my daughter’s life. 

Postpartum anxiety symptoms can include: extreme worry, irritation, anger, rage, OCD like behavior, control, insomnia, dissociative thinking, etc.

It is something that many women feel shame around speaking about, or not supported with and it impacts their entire lives

I loved speaking with today’s guest Dr. Carly Crewe who is a mother to twin 3 year old girls, a Canadian small town family doctor from Alberta Canada, and an anxiety coach for moms.

I truly gathered from Carly, in this episode, the importance of listening to our own inner knowing when it comes to anxiety. Specifically if certain things are out of alignment in our world it might be evoking that much more anxiety in our lives. 

Carly is passionate about maternal mental health, starting in pregnancy and far beyond the postpartum period.

She experienced her own struggles with severe postpartum mood disorder and now helps women all over the world to move from anxious and overwhelmed to calm and in control through private coaching, group coaching and online courses. Carly continues working in her full scope rural practice and has the honour of being involved with women in all stages of motherhood.

She offers postpartum support groups locally in her own community and spends the majority of her clinical time working with individuals with mental illness to help them truly reach their best level of functioning.

Take Aways

  • The signs and symptoms of postpartum depression

  • Her experience with postpartum anxiety/mood disorder and how it floored her

  • The different ways to treat postpartum anxiety

  • How she offers support for moms struggling with this

  • Why she’s moved into entrepreneurship

  • Insomnia-why this is related to anxiety

Connect with Carly

One on One Coaching