100: "Empowered Births During a Pandemic, postpartum mental health, & why the more support you have the better-with doula mom Kim Summer."

What I love about Kim is her willingness to open up about subjects that are sometimes taboo like extended breastfeeding, and maternal rights in healthcare.
Kim Summer ep 100

Episode Description

Today I am talking to a friend/ local doula mommy Kim Summer about the current state of the world, going through a pandemic with little ones, being on call as a doula and empowering women during tough times. Kim is a mother, writer, birth doula, maternal health care advocate, and postpartum educator with a focus on postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. She supports families from all walks of life including Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. 


Just as all of us are coming to terms with social isolation and major societal upheavals during this time, Kim is going to share about the effects this has had on birthing mothers, hospital visits and how many mamas are switching to at home births. Kim’s own mom and brother had their own battle with COVID 19 and came out on the other side. Kim wants to emphasize that there is a lot of hardship right now, but also a lot of healing and good that will come from this as well. All while acknowledging the full spectrum of emotions that come up during such an extreme time. 


Kim is a mom of three who has gone through single motherhood and isn’t afraid to talk about mommy empowerment and sexuality. As a fellow Aries (like myself) I can resonate with with her passion, leadership and fire, as well as intensity of feelings which is why she feels so deeply about helping mamas and their pre and postpartum wellness. What I love about Kim is her willingness to open up about subjects that are sometimes taboo like extended breastfeeding, and maternal rights in healthcare.

Kim Summer episode 100 Soul Mammas Podcast (Doula, pandemic, empowered births)


  • What a doula’s roles are and why they are important to a pregnant and birthing mother

  • How Kim’s own experience as a young mother and caretaker of her siblings, informed her practice as a doula

  • Kim’s experience with two family members who came down with COVID 19

  • Mothering and doula-ing during a pandemic

  • The implications for birthing mothers during a pandemic

  • Why more moms are birthing at home right now

  • Kim’s experience with young motherhood and postpartum depression

  • Why we ALL need support pre and postnatally as moms

  • How to inform and educate ourselves about birth and postpartum mental health

  • Why we should speak up if we are experiencing postpartum depression, OCD or anxiety

  • Why our partners might not understand postnatal mental health concerns

  • Why Kim is passionate about helping mamas and why she believes we all need MORE support than we think

Connect with Kim

