Episode 79: Twins with down syndrome; One mama’s journey to vie for inclusion for children with disabilities, with Rachael Prescott


Episode Description

Today’s guest Rachael Prescott is a mama who advocates for viewing and treating people of different abilities as valued and worthy of inclusion.

This mama has two boys and two twin girls Nettie and Lottie, diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Rachael is truthful in sharing her journey with other mamas and loves to promote choosing joy through all circumstances and in parenting. If you follow her on instagram you can see first hand her adorable and spirited little girls and their journey’s as well as the hard stuff lie hospital visits and health scares. 

Rachael admits it has not been an easy road and talks candidly about the health scares, near death experience and post traumatic stress she’s experienced when her girls have had to go in for serious medical procedures which included open heart surgery. 

This family isn’t immune to naysayers, but instead choose to radiate the joy their own daughter’s radiate instead of defensiveness or falling into the pit of negativity sometimes imposed upon parents with children with Down Syndrome.

To Rachael, being a Soul Mamma is allowing her children to see a life of joy, intentionality, compassion and kindness modeled through her and her family’s actions. It is a super honor to have Rachael on our show 

Take Aways

  • The negativity she felt was imposed from doctors upon a double down syndrome diagnosis

  • How whether they have disabilities or not, these are her precious babies. She doesn’t see them differently.

  • How joy plays such a huge role in their lives

  • How mamas who might be facing scary diagnoses in their children can still experience so much joy

  • Learning from the unconditional love of our children

  • Why all children deserve equal treatment

  • How her sons advocate for their sisters

  • How down syndrome kids have their own unique personalities like any other child.

  • Going through open heart surgery and frightening hospital visits

  • Spreading hope and joy in order to simple other families going through something similar.


Connect with Rachael

