96: Literacy tips + activities for kids during a pandemic/social isolation. With Literacy For Littles Founder Samantha Carrick "

Samantha Carrick literacy for littles Soul Mammas Podcast
Literacy For Littles episode 96  Soul Mammas Podcast

Episode Description

We are all understandably feeling rather insular at the moment with order in place in many states and social isolation during the COV19 pandemic. What is extremely helpful for our sanity and that of our families during this time is sharing resources with one another online. Particularly with school closures and districts racing to come up with homeschool curriculum, we can all use creative ideas right now. That is why I am particularly stoked for today’s guest Samantha Carrick of Literacy for Littles. 

Samantha believes being a Soul Mamma means being intentional. Seeking to thrive and feel fully alive, to grow and strive for progress, but also being gentle with ourselves because our children are always watching and learning from us. Being a soul mamma ultimately means using our gifts to make this world, especially our children’s world, a better place.

Sam, a former elementary classroom teacher, is passionate about motherhood and enrichment for children. She is also a certified reading specialist, and child development expert behind Literacy for Littles. She believes parents and teachers deserve to have the latest research, most effective practices, and education at their fingertips so they can reach their parenting potential and best support their children’s educational and developmental needs. The first few years of a child’s life are critical to their development and future.

Today she is going to share about ideas like making letters out of salt, creating patterns with tape for sensory play, chalk ideas, verbal games, and unique activities to do at home to promote literacy. Super stoked to have her on the show, especially during these tough times.

Samantha Carrick Literacy for Littles Soul Mammas Podcast ep 96


  • Why we should be gentle on ourselves as moms during this tough time

  • Why we don’t have to run out and start an official homeschooling curriculum right away

  • Being inside during a pandemic is stressful! Nurture your children by exemplifying calmness and taking care of yourself too!

  • We can break up our day subtly so they can still maintain a schedule

  • Kids thrive on structure but we don’t need to stress ourselves out over it.

  • Why being present is equally as important as a schedule

  • How to take care of yourself and your kids

  • Tactile tips for being at home a lot right now

  • Why entrepreneurship is not easy but why it’s totally possible to do what we love for work

  • How to merge our work, life, passions together

Connect with Samantha



Literacy For Littles Soul Mammas Podcast episode 96